Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Visitors - by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous

As dawn is breaking, I’m startled out of a deep sleep by the sound of the front doorbell ringing. I stumble out of bed and I make my way to answer the door. I’m surprised to see 3 people standing there. The first one is the Lord God Himself: My Heavenly Father, Abba, Daddy, Creator, All Sufficient One. Next, it’s the Lord Jesus Christ: My Saviour, Redeemer, Lamb of God who died on the cross or me. Last, it’s Holy Spirit--he wants to fill me up and give me everything I need to face the day ahead. All I have to do is ask. They gently smile and walk past me and all take seats in my living room. I say to them, “Sorry guys, but I’m really tired. I’m going back to bed for an hour.” They knowingly smile and nod at me as one of them quietly murmurs, “here we go again,” as I make my way back to my warm, cozy bed. When I get up an hour later, I’m startled to see that they’re still there as I stumble into the kitchen to start the coffee, make the lunches and do everything else to get the kids off to school. Once the kids are gone, I think “I better go and check on my visitors...but maybe I’ll go on Facebook first...just for a minute or two.” After two minutes turns into half an hour, I’ve kind of forgotten about my visitors who are patiently waiting to spend time with me....I start rushing around the house loading the dishwasher, answering e-mails, showering and then I hurry past them as I head out the door for Bible study. “Oh my goodness!” I think, “I forgot they were here. Maybe I’ll spend time with them after lunch out with the girls.” I return home later in the day tired, and as I walk into the house, I’m surprised that my visitors are still there waiting patiently for me to sit down and spend time with them. I feel annoyed and guilty. All I want to do is throw in a load of laundry and figure out what I’m going to make for supper. Maybe I’ll spend time with them after I watch “Oprah” and “Dr. Phil.” That always makes me feel better...getting my mind off of my own problems. But today, it makes me feel worse seeing the reality of how broken the world is. After “Dr. Phil,” I go straight to the computer to order the latest book that Oprah’s promoting: How to Find Strength from Within by her latest self-help guru who seemed to have it all figured out. Nothing else is working for me. I ask them to rush my order because I’d like to be feeling stronger by Friday. The 3 visitors are waving at me from the living room to get my attention, but I’m too excited about ordering my book to notice them. I get up from the chair feeling grumpy because I’ve just wasted 2 hours of my day and thinking how unfair it is that I’m always the one who has to make supper. “I’m so sick of taking care of everybody. Why can’t somebody take care of ME for a change?” I say under my breath. Then after the dishes and homework are done and the kids are in bed, all I want is a little down time watching T.V. with my husband. I don’t even notice that the 3 visitors are still waiting as I go off to bed feeling irritated at my husband because our life isn’t as romantic as life on “The Bachelor.” “If only he would lose some weight and work out. Then he’d have a body as nice as Jake’s,” I mutter to myself. As I drift off to sleep, I think , “Why am I feeling so distant from God, and why is it so hard for me to figure out His will for my life?” Sadly, the 3 visitors all look at each other and say, “we’ll come back tomorrow.” They let themselves out and gently close the door behind them but in their supernatural way continue to watch over me through the night in case I call out to them. Meanwhile, in the corner of my living room, Satan, who had discreetly slithered in with the other 3 visitors that morning, is doing his happy dance and says, “YES!!!” He’s won again! And you can bet, he’ll be back tomorrow too. Who will win the battle for my time then?

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